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Class Regulations

Class Regulations
  • Students must be dressed in appropriate attire for physical activity. The accepted class attire consists of: sneakers, shorts, T-shirt, sweat pants or sweat shirts. All clothes must be school appropriate (shorts not too short, T-shirts of appropriate size)

  • Students are responsible for attending class prepared and participating day.

  • Jewelry will not be worn during class.

  • Medical excuses - a note from the student's parent or guardian will excuse a student for one class. A doctor's note is required for longer excuses from class. Students who are medically excused MUST attend class.

  • No food or drink in the locker rooms or gym.

  • Students may not participate in any activity without a coach or teacher present.

  • Students will be given 5 minutes at the beginning and end of class to change their clothes.

  • Every student is issued a lock and assigned a locker. Students are responsible for keeping their valuables locked up at all times.

  • Students must stay in the gym area until the bell rings for the end of class.

  • Students are responsible for returning equipment issued to them in good condition.

  • Any student defacing the locker room, gym or equipment will be subject to disciplinary action.

Physical Fitness