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Physical Education Department

Physical Education Department



Patrick Maguire

Keith Bosch

Steve DiPietro

Kerry Figueiredo

Meaghan Healey

Keith Lessuk 

Liz Marshall

An illustration of a basketball, football, soccer ball, hockey puck, and golf ball.

  • If you are a senior participating in ASSESS, you must still fulfill your Physical Education requirement for the fourth quarter. Students must attend and participate in the first six classes of the quarter. In addition to the first six classes, they must then complete 14 make-up classes to achieve the 20 classes necessary to receive credit for the fourth marking period.


    In order to complete a make-up, students must be on time, be prepared to participate and have their make-up sheet with them. Students may make-up a maximum of two classes per day including zero period. Students cannot make up classes during periods 2, 5, or 8 unless it is their regularly scheduled Physical Education period.

  • Since participation in Physical Education is the basis for achieving our goals and objectives, it is important that students attend and participate in class on a regular basis.

    A student who is NOT in attendance at least 90% of the time, due to absences (legal or unauthorized) and/or unprepared must make up those classes. Progress Reports and or jeopardy notices will be used to inform those who have make ups. After the second missed class or unprepared, all classes must be made up. It is the student's responsibility to make up the required classes. Make up classes are available only during "0" period every day beginning at 7:25 am sharp.


    Any student who does not make up the missed classes before the end of the marking period will not receive credit for the course. In any given marking period, a student having more than two unresolved absences will be denied academic credit.

    • Students must be dressed in appropriate attire for physical activity. The accepted class attire consists of: sneakers, shorts, T-shirt, sweat pants or sweat shirts. All clothes must be school appropriate (shorts not too short, T-shirts of appropriate size)

    • Students are responsible for attending class prepared and participating day.

    • Jewelry will not be worn during class.

    • Medical excuses - a note from the student's parent or guardian will excuse a student for one class. A doctor's note is required for longer excuses from class. Students who are medically excused MUST attend class.

    • No food or drink in the locker rooms or gym.

    • Students may not participate in any activity without a coach or teacher present.

    • Students will be given 5 minutes at the beginning and end of class to change their clothes.

    • Every student is issued a lock and assigned a locker. Students are responsible for keeping their valuables locked up at all times.

    • Students must stay in the gym area until the bell rings for the end of class.

    • Students are responsible for returning equipment issued to them in good condition.

    • Any student defacing the locker room, gym or equipment will be subject to disciplinary action.

  • In order to qualify for a physical education exemption during quarters 1, 2 or 4, you must be in compliance with ALL of the following:

    1) Be a bona fide member of a South Side High School junior varsity or varsity Section VIII interscholastic athletic team in grades 10, 11 or 12 and remain as a team member for the entire season. Ninth graders cannot be exempt. Athletes playing on outside club teams cannot be exempt.

    2) NOT have any unresolved “Denied Credits”, “Failures” or “Incompletes” in physical education. Not be enrolled in a make-up physical education course.

    3) Have proven rigorous academic schedule that includes at least 7 full periods every day excluding physical education. Must have 7 periods odd, 7 periods even; having 8 one day and 6 the other does not qualify.

    4) This application must:

    A) Have a copy of student’s schedule attached before submitting application

    B) Have all required signatures before submitting application

    C) Be returned to the Counseling Center no later than the end of the day listed below by 3pm.

    Click here for the Exemption Application

  • At the end of each marking period students receive a grade that is interpreted the same as any other grade on the report card. There are 3 basic considerations in determining the student's Physical Education grade.

    • Effort/Participation - 60%

    • Preparedness - 20%

    • Skills and Knowledge - 20%


    In order to meet the New York State graduation requirements, a student must take and pass Physical Education in each quarter from grades 9-12.

    A student receiving a "DC" (denied credit), "F" or "INC" (Incomplete) that remains unresolved by the completion of the senior year will not meet the Physical Education requirements for graduation.

  • We continually have problems with students having things stolen from their locker. The best advice we can give is to lock up any valuable items or better yet, do not bring them to school. We have had cell phones, PSP's, credit cards, cash, and even clothes stolen from lockers. In all cases, these items have not been locked up. Please do not share your locker combination with any other students. The doors to the locker room are closed and locked once all students are out. They are only opened at the beginning and the end of class.

  • Quarter 1

    Project Adventure I (Co-Ed)
    Project Adventure II (Co-Ed)
    Archery/Golf (Co-Ed)
    Team Handball (Co-Ed)
    Personal Fitness (Co-Ed)
    Yoga (Co-Ed)

    Quarter 2

    Physical Fitness Testing (Co-Ed)
    Volleyball (Co-Ed)
    Personal Fitness Training (Co-Ed)
    Self Defense (F)

    Quarter 3

    Personal Fitness / Badminton (Co-Ed)
    Hockey (F) / Badminton (Co-Ed)
    Basketball / Badminton (Co-Ed)

    Quarter 4

    Project Adventure I (Co-Ed)
    Project Adventure II (Co-Ed)
    Softball / Pickleball (Co-Ed)
    Yoga/Pilates (Co-Ed)
    Lawn Games / Softball (Co-Ed)